This is the 190 cm wide version of the 90Three. Very quick and radical and requires quick reflexes. Fun on short lines as well.
Please use the the colors/panel layout like the builds below. So white, light grey, dark grey and a accent color as pictured in the colorizer. The SUL has white wingtips, the STD has light grey wingtips and the VTD has black wingtips.
Height: 76 cm
Width: 190 cm
Weight: 185 gr (incl. 12,5 gr tailweight)
Recommended lines: 25 kg
ULE: 3pt 57,5 cm
LLE: 3pt 62,5 cm
LS: Avia Skinny SUL 56,8 cm
US: 4 mm 37,4 cm
Spine: p100 70,5 cm + splitnock
SO: 3mm spiral wound glassfiber 21,1cm (incl. sailgrabber)
(from nose sewing to bottom of connector)
US TAPA.: 24,5 cm
Yoyo stopper: 45 cm
LS TAPA: 74 cm
Cross R-sky: 44 cm
Inner bridle point on spine: 45,5 cm
Upper: 47 cm (above upper APA)
Outer: 42 cm (below lower APA)
Inner: 50,5 cm (below cross, see position above)
Keeper line: from upper to inner leg (loose in flight)
Seams: Since the plans are scaled down the seam allowance is a bit smaller. Make sure you use a narrower setting on the sewing machine.
Sail: Icarex PC31
LE tunnel: 5 cm dacron
TE seam: 2,5 cm ripstop
TE reinforcement: 2,5 cm dacron strip/Mylar (See blueprint for position)
Nose: Kitehouse style Bisonyl. Cut off point on back of nose to create the spine tunnel opening.
Leechline: None
Tailweight: 12,5 gr
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Click the picture or this link to open the colorizer in a new window.