STD Basic:
Sail: Icarex, mylar, dacron.
Leadind edge: Structil 6mm
Upper spreader: Structil 6mm
Lower spreader: P300
Spine: Structil 6mm
Stand Off: 3mm carbon
Ballast on tail: 25g
STD Competition:
Sail: Icarex, mylar, dacron.
Upper leadind edge: P200
Lower leadind edge: P300
Upper spreader: Structil 6mm
Lower spreader: 5pt
Spine: P200
Stand Off: 3mm carbon
Ballast on tail: 25g
UL Basic:
Sail: Icarex, mylar, dacron.
Leadind edge: Structil 5mm
Upper spreader: Structil 5mm
Lower spreader: p100
Spine: Structil 6mm
Stand Off: 3mm carbon
Ballast on tail: 18g
UL Competition:
Sail: Icarex, mylar, dacron.
Upper leadind edge: P100
Lower leadind edge: P100
Upper spreader: Structil 5mm
Lower spreader: 3pt
Spine: P100
Stand Off: 3mm carbon
Ballast on tail: 18g
Sail: Icarex, mylar, dacron.
Upper leadind edge: 3pt
Lower leadind edge: 3pt
Upper spreader: Structil 5mm
Lower spreader: 3pt
Spine: 3pt 101cm
Stand Off: 3mm carbon
Ballast on tail: 18g
André’s Reverse Turbo Bridle
With the standard bridle I struggled with multi lazies. Also cascade backspins were hard. Tried the a normal turbo. This improved but had reasonable pull. This reversed turbo is wide in fade positon and narrow in backflip. Altough the bridle setting is low pull is ok. The low setting provides nice yoyos. Turbo bridles in general provide constant speed. I like that too. With the STD all tricks are there. Yofade, crazycopter, flicflacs, taz, multi lazies, backspin cascades, cometes. On the UL and HW the taz is harder but is there. Precision with this bridle is good. Change UL length according wind speed.
Upper: 58 cm
Turbo: 4 cm
Inner: 64 cm
Outer: 57 cm